Pool Covers Grecian

pool covers grecian
swimming pool cover cost?

how much would it cost for a pool cover? the safety kind? i dont tust my dogs at all. i just want obe strong enough so if they were to crawl on it it wouldnt swallow them up. i have a 16 by 32 grecian, nothing extravagant. how much money are we talkin?

99% of all safety covers for pools are made by Loop-loc, or Meyco, and yes there might be a few other brands out there that are all of the same design. However. these covers are made to fit your pool perfectly. So.. The only way to get a true cost is to contact a swimming pool service company that sells and installs these covers, they will come out, and take measurements using a system that the manufacturer uses to then make the cover to custom fit your pool These covers are not cheap however, they will easily run you over 1000 dollars for the most standard of standard covers. The more intricacies you have with your pool and the price will continue to go up.

The cost of the cover will also include the installation of this cover, which will normally be anchored directly into your pool deck. They are brass anchors in your pool deck that will be able to be turned up to put the cover on, and turned down after taking the cover off.. The anchors are made of brass. The cover attaches to these anchors with metal springs which are attached to the cover.

The only true way to get a price is to get a quote from a pool company. Honestly though, this is one of those deals where shopping around for a better price will probably not be found since the price that comes from the manufacturer already includes the costs of installation most times. Also, your personal information (such as name and address etc) are also transferred as part of the information to the manufacturer with the measurements so really trying to get more than 1 quote on this is proabably a bad idea.. Just to give you an idea up front of how things work.

I havent installed or worked with any of these companies in many years, so things could have changed, however, this is how it was back when i did in fact work for a company that did install these covers.

Swimming Pool Renovation by Swim World Pools