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Heat Production

heat production
Questions regarding star formation and heat production.?

Can someone please explain the process of star formation and how its leads to heat productions on the surface of the earth?

a star starts out as a nebula-a clump of hydrogen gas in space. When another star ends it’s life and blows up in either a planetary nebula or a supernova it can stir this up and create protostars, clumps of hydrogen gas held togethor by gravity. When there is enough hydrogen clumped togethor that the protostar can start fusing hydrogen atoms togethor at it’s core to make helium, it suddenly is a star. Stars can be either low mass (less than 8 suns) or high mass (8 or more suns). Because all of that energy from the nuclear fusion is going on, the star wants to expand but the gravity of the center keeps it togethor so it rides a fine line generating unimaginable amounts of heat for 90% of its life then when the hydrogen runs out it begins to fuse helium to higher things, and it can swell to a red giant(low mass) or red supergiant (high mass). After all the helium is fused it suddenly collapses, causing an explosion called a planetary nebula for low mass stars and a supernova for high mass stars. Then low mass stars go on to become the burning white-hot core of the star known as a white dwarf, while high mass stars become neutron stars where all of the star’s mass is in a very small area, and the HUMONGOUS stars can sometimes form black holes, where all of the mass collapses to a point and not even light waves can escape (there is beleived to be a black hole at the center of our galaxy that is less than the size of a speck of dust and is 300,000,000 times the size of the sun that holds our galaxy together). The reason that heat is produced on the surface of earth is that the sun is radiating all of this energy from its nuclear furnace inside it as ultraviolet and sometimes infrared rays. These waves are heat energy.

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