The Ultimate SEO Guide: Optimise & Future-Proof Your Website

Your CEO innocently asks, ‘Did you read about that upcoming Google update? I presume our website is ready for it?’ – cue nodding, panic, the sweats and the frantic Googling of ’what Google update is this now?’ When it comes to weightloss SEO, you must be wary of freelance SEO consultant Sydney who may not have your long-term best interest at heart.

Let’s face it…SEO is a pain to perfect. The world changes so fleetingly fast that digital marketing professionals can barely catch a breath, never mind a break. But there’s no need to have a breakdown – we’ve compiled a handy and simple guide to help you optimise your website for 2015 and beyond.

The Overall Premise:

Although content is king, SEO is still its faithful servant. Put simply, the creation of quality content alone cannot work in isolation. You need both the relevant words and the technical tools to satisfy your users’ search queries. This is the whitehat (and customer-focused) SEO work Google will continue to reward.

Step 1: Master The SEO Basics First

1. Conduct Longtail (& Logical) Keyword Research:

It’s still quite important to carry out proper keyword research for your industry. But instead of focusing on individual keywords digital marketers now need to focus on that bigger picture coined ‘intent.’ That means you need to identify what your ideal customers are searching for – and yes, that means the phrases they choose but also the meaning behind their search queries.

Google’s Hummingbird update shifted the focus from targeting individual keyword phrases to understanding what the context of the keyword phrase may be. Some call these longtail keywords, but put simply: it’s all about making sense at the right time, in the right place to the right person.

How to Conduct Longtail Keyword Research:

To identify what terms and keywords your customers are searching for, you can use Google Keyword Planner. This tool will help you find the most relevant keywords for your website.

Google Autocomplete is a really handy tool that helps you to find the right longtail keywords that will solve your target audience’s problems. To find yours, simply type them into the search box related to your products and services and don’t press enter. Google will then suggest keywords for you that are relevant to your business. Get more info about the SEO services we offered.