Direct Swimming Pool Products

direct swimming pool products
what is the best option to install a high outdoor privacy screen (about 7 meter height)?

My neighbour is building a high-set house with clear view (from their upstairs) to my daughter’s bedroom and backyard. Although we do have a fence (only about 1.2 meter height), I am concerned that when our kids are playing in the backyard or swimming in the pool, the neighbours can see clearly and we do not have any privacy. Is there any buidling product we can use to block the direct view from their house to our backyard? Such as outdoor screen about 7 meter height and 10 meter width, something that can stand alone vertically (not cover type like umbrella)? We do have curtains for the bedroom but we need something that can block their view to our backyard as well. We do have trees but not tally enough to block the view.

Ooh, I feel for you! Terrible to lose your privacy as well as feelings of safety πŸ™

Definitely check with your local zoning department; most have restrictions on the height of fences πŸ™

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