Pool Chemicals Enjoy

pool chemicals enjoy
Ever swim in a saltwater pool? Does it make you feel clean or gross?

We have a large pool and we’re thinking of switching to a salt water generator instead of the chlorine pucks. Is there less chemical smell? Is it less necessary to take a shower after swimming in a saltwater pool than a chemical chlorine pool? We’d go in and enjoy the pool more if we didn’t feel it necessary to take a shower after every single time we go in. Thanks.

For me, I think that Salt Water pools are easier on your hair, and I prefer them. The only downside is that you are constantly getting the salty taste in your mouth. You still need to take a shower after you get in a saltwater pool because they make you feel sticky, and chlorine pools do not, but I recommend taking showers after being in either one 🙂

Go Green with Natural Pool Chemicals