Pool Chemicals Getting Started

pool chemicals getting started
Im think of starting a pool cleaning business?

Can anyone tell me how much the chemicals and initial setup of supplies will cost. Im aiming at a modest beginniing, say about 10 accounts. Im going to price way below the market until I get more experience. Do I need to have a truck for this business and any other advice you could give would be helpful

I do the same thing in Puerto Rico in my spare time, so I don’t know your prices, but here the algaecide costs $16, a 100 lb tub of chlorine costs $90.

If the owner of the pool buys the chemicals, I’ll charge 10 dollars less than if I have to use my own chemicals.

You don’t NEED a truck, but it is useful, since the equipment is heavy and the poles are longer than most cars’ trunk.

Be sure to research how your environment affects the chemicals. Some pools need to be treated with acids, other don’t. Heat consumes chlorine faster. Alkalinity is extremely important for the wellbeing of the pool.

Jason Mraz – Love For A Child (We Steal ep)