Swimming Pool Covers Costs

swimming pool covers costs
Where to sell used pool cover?

We just bought the house and the previous owner installed a cover Automatic pool in the pool in the garden of the safety of children. Now we would like to retire and we do not like how it looks, but I think it's a great loss to simply dump because it is only four years. We know that the money for the new roof, so that the material must cost a lot. We wonder if a company is used to buy the pool including the pump to recycle the material. Everyone had experience?

Try CraigsList.com, BackPage.com, the local newspaper, green leaf or a penny or what protective sheet sales in your area. You can also try E-bay as a local sales and shipping. Most shops and pool service companies not interested unless its price is very cheap. They come in bulk. Another option is to give to goodwill or something where you can get an annulment. Alternatively, if you know some realitors or property managers who have houses with pool. They may know a tenant willing to buy.

Energy saving pool cover, swimming pool covers