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Eco swimming pool at home?

How do make it at home, without buying any “branded” products?

Can you reduce water?

I live where we get lots of rain in the summer time. We installed 8 rain barrels that have filters and when one is full it empties into the next one. We also have a well so we try to use as much rain water as possible.
We rented a back-hoe and dug the depth and shape out. Then we lined the bottom with a few truck loads of sand.
We then lined it with long lasting commercial grade plastic. We edged it natural rocks from our property and also native plants so there would be little up keep.
We put in a over flow pipe so if it get too full the water then runs down and is collected in another barrel for the vegetable garden.
The water trickles in and trickles out constantly.
We have a farm so this looks more like a pond until you get in it and find that it is 6 feet at one end and 4 feet at the shallow in.
We also made natural rock steps to get in and out.

Stadium Market

Swimming Pool Products Australia

swimming pool products australia
I just found the most interesting website….?


They sell perfume and cologne in smells that most people love, but you would NEVER expect to find as something ou can wear!…. such as rain, bubble gum, cocktail even swimming pool (im guessing smells like chlorine)
I thik this is really cool but I am in Australia and the postage cost is quadriple what the actual product cost and Im worried Ill buy one I hate when I smell it!
But does anyone else think this is a great idea!? or has anyone possibly smelt any of them that you can recommend!?? Smells activate memories quite often for me and it would be nice to smell something from happy times on days when Im in a bad mood =)

I’ve never tried any of these scents, but thank you very much for the site!!

This reminds of my Bertie Botts Every-Flavor Beans from Harry Potter, except with perfumes; I thought of that when you mentioned a swimming pool scent, lol.

I will say buyer beware, though!

Australian Outdoor Living. South Australia. All Products.