Tag Archives: swimming pool chemicals levels

Swimming Pool Chemicals Levels

swimming pool chemicals levels
What to do after rain, if you have a pool?

It rained enough for a few days and confused our pool. A few days ago I went swim and noticed how the water was murky, and it was a little smell. When I checked the balance of chemicals have been around compltly missing the pool. I have more of the pool (A bit more than usual) and iv now waited two days. Meanwhile, it was raining and there are many levels are really still in wack. Is there anything about what to do when it rains are we do not know not? My son is having a party tomorrow and I was really hoping he could swim and his friends, but like I said can not seem to get the balance of get account back to normal.

Okay, go into the pool shock. This stuff works wonders, and get all the debris with a net. If you do not have a pool cleaner, get one, even though they are such expensive they good work. They occur because the pool pump, and it comes to your pool pick up dirt on the floor

Pool & Spa Chlorine Generator: Changing Power Level