Tag Archives: energy

Citizens Oil Heat Program

citizens oil heat program
What is so bad about Hugo Chavez? I know he won’t let USA companies use his people as slave labor and that is?

why the cons have been brainwashed to hate him. But other than that I don’t see him as a bad guy at all. He uses all his countries oil money on the citizens of Venezuela and they all have access to grade A health care and excellent schools and college. None of that is paid for by taxes. Also he has a discount oil program in the countries he sales oil to ( like America ) where any one who makes under a certain amount gets a discount on heating oil, and of course everyone in his country gets free heating oil and unlike in America nobody has to go to bed cold at night in Venezuela

1. Chavez thinks the US hit Haiti with an earthquake weapon.
2.He has put all but the state controlled media out of business.
3. He has instituted price controls on food causing shortages and hoarding.
4. Caracas had the world’s highest murder rate this year.
5. He has his political foes arrested.

And there’s more

oh, and Venezuelans probably don’t use much heating oil, it’s near the equator.

Foreign Aid for America – Chavez Sponsors Heating Oil for Poor US Citizens

Heat Protection Materials

heat protection materials
About another theory of stoping sun light to slow down global warming ?

Just a theory, what if we use laser light as a light shield making laser give collor creating a protection againts solar heat because laser dont need so much material and its just a light? It is like making a sun glass but made out of laser light?
And laser light can be big enough to cover the entire earth? and again no need of much materials?
Yes afratha solar but let me say it this way do ever use to burn paper by use of a spaesial glass insted we use color light?
The stronger the light the stronger the color cover the earth? Just a theory?
With solar panel no more thousand of el. tower and cable for thousand of km. and that can cost cancer to other people ho live under it?

In the past, when ever we take guesses to solve problems we don’t understand, we only create bigger problems and new problems that didn’t exist before.

There is no need to panic, there is no pending doom. The best cure is fully understanding the actions of the climate. Right now anyone’s predictions is just a guess. A flip of a coin is just as accurate.

Space Shuttle Thermal Protection System (TPS) Tile