Tag Archives: chemicals

Pool Chemicals Borax

pool chemicals borax
Have your tried this for maintaining your swimming pool?

I just purchased a quick set pool for this summer! Excited to finally have a swimming pool – even if it isn’t a real big pool. Anyway I was looking online and found where you use baking soda for the alkalinity of the pool, bleach for the chlorine & ph increaser Mule Team Borax. I am thinking about trying this to save some money on chemicals. Have you tried it? Did it keep your pool clear or did it turn green and cloudy?
The pool box said it comes with a maintenance kit…not sure what that is. Need the hubby to get the box out of the car so we car open it up. I hope it is a pool water tester. If not I will purchase that to make sure the water is at the proper ph & chlorine level.

Bleach and liquid chlorine from the pool shop are the same thing, just slightly different in strength. The bleach is weaker and may contain scent.
Baking soda will do the trick for your TA but bear in mind how much you’ll need. You’ll probably find it’s cheaper to buy in bulk or hit the local pool shop where you’ll find it in 8kg pails (approx 16 pounds). One box you’ll find at the supermarket won’t even put a dent in raising your TA.
The maintenance kit you ask about will be the vac pole, vac head, hose, pool brush, test kit, net and probably a thermometer.

“Bolivia” Thomasboulier’s photos around Puripica, Bolivia

Pool Chemicals Baquacil

pool chemicals baquacil
Want to know how to close our Gibraltar pool? ?

we want to learn how to close our pool our selves/ the problem being is our pool has a bottom drain even though its an above ground pool. when we had someone close it last year they blew out the bottom drain and plugged it. we don’t know how to go about doing this ie what to use. but we have seen that other people use chemicals. we normally use Baquacil in our pool not chlorine. any help would be great. thanks

i own a pool company and dont do baquacil pools but i highly suggest that you go to a pool store they will tell all the steps to follow.hope this helps

Swimming Pool Maintenance Chlorine

swimming pool maintenance chlorine
Swimming pool question please help me?

I got a 12 x 36 above ground metal frame pool. It has a soft cover but can tie around the metal part of the pool, it has a few holes in it I guess so it will stay next to the water. I have the pool fenced in attached to my house (the fence is it’s next to my house I mean) Anyways, It’s not fun to take the cover on and off and even with it on a kid could drown in it but is it really worth putting the cover on does it really help keep out alot of dirt, debris etc? We have nothing but dirt up here not much leaves at all but as far as that goes does it really warm it better? But what about the top getting dirty? Putting it back on would only dirty the pool?

Any advice on maintenance or anything about pools will help me thanks

Ph levels adding when to add when to minus ph
when to add chlorine
when to algeside it
when and why to shock it

What happens if you put to much ph or chlorine? Or to little?

I work at a motel that has a huge pool on the property… we do not cover our pool anymore because of the hassle that we have with the cover and the roller that we had for it doesn’t work anymore…. Aside from keeping the bugs out, honestly it does not do much except keep the sun out ..which can affect the chlorine and ph balance of the pool…

Ph should be between 7.4 and 7.8
Chlorine levels should be between 1 and 3

You put ph up or down in it depending on if it is too high or too low…the ph not being right in the pool will cause the chlorine levels in the pool to become erratic and any other chemicals to not work properly…

Algeside it if you start getting any algae in there…

Shock it once a week to maintain chlorine levels, to keep algae and so on from building up (and having to use that algeside)

A few other maintenance tips is to make sure you backwash the filters when you clean out the pool with the vacuum, check chlorine levels after rains, and occasionally clean out the filter of the pool as well… and sand filters work the best in pools…if you have a problem with cloudiness in a pool an external DE filter works wonders over night.

Autopilot Pool Pilot Digital Salt Chlorine Generator